As a UX designer I have a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of user behavior. My comprehension of subject material allows me to craft designs that not only look great but also function seamlessly. I have experience working on a range of digital products, from mobile apps to web applications, and I'm always looking for new challenges to tackle. I love to immerse myself and take the leap of faith toward work I believe in. I have been so blessed to be apart of this bright group of people. There's nothing better than bringing people from diverse backgrounds in a collaborative space to produce user-driven results.
Passion is the driving force behind everything I do! Over the past decade, I've dedicated myself to elevating my culinary creativity, crafting visually stunning and balanced dishes that leave diners delighted and amazed. But my passions extend beyond the kitchen, as running charges me up, offering solace and strength with each stride. Living in vibrant NYC adds to the excitement, while travel and embracing new experiences continuously keep life exhilarating and full of wonder.